Migrating to TanStack Query Firebase

Migrating from the old React Query Firebase to the new TanStack Query Firebase.

The initial version of this project was called React Query Firebase, and built upon the older versions of React Query. Over the past couple of years, there's been many changes to the React Query library.

The most substantial change was renaming the libray from React Query to TanStack Query.

The change brought about support for a wide array of framework support beyond React, including Vue, Solid, Angular, and Svelte. The API has also evolved during this time, with many improvements and new features.

The Firebase API also evolved during this time, with new services such as Data Connect and the migration from the compat API to the modular API.


The react-query-firebase package was built to support React only, and was tightly coupled to the older versions of React Query. For example, the react-query-firebase NPN namespace allowed you to install a package per Firebase service, such as @react-query-firebase/firestore.

Additionally, the API was designed to work with the older React Query API of supporting positional args vs the newer object-based API:

// vs
useFirestoreQuery({ queryKey: ["products"] });


The tanstack-query-firebase package is built to support all frameworks which TanStack Query supports, although initially only React is supported.

Altough still in development, the API is designed to work with the newer object-based API of TanStack Query, and also supports newer Firebase services such as Data Connect.

Realtime Subscription Issues

Firebase supports realtime event subscriptions for many of its services, such as Firestore, Realtime Database and Authentication.

The react-query-firebase package had a limitation whereby the hooks would not resubscribe whenever a component re-mounted.

The initial version of tanstack-query-firebase currently opts-out of any realtime subscription hooks. This issue will be re-addressed once the core API is stable supporting all Firebase services.

Migration Steps

Follow the steps below to migrate your application from react-query-firebase to tanstack-query-firebase:

1. Install the new packages

Due to the restructure of the package namespace, you will need to install the new packages:

npm i --save firebase @tanstack/react-query @tanstack-query-firebase/react

Remove any existing @react-query-firebase/* packages from your package.json.

2. Update your imports

Update any imports for your react-query-firebase hooks to the new tanstack-query-firebase hooks, for example for Firestore:

- import { useFirestoreDocument } from '@react-query-firebase/firestore';
+ import { useDocumentQuery } from '@tanstack-query-firebase/react/firestore';

3. Update your usage

The older API followed the positional args pattern, whereas the new API follows the object-based pattern. Update your hooks to use the new pattern:

- useFirestoreDocument(["products"], ref);
+ useDocumentQuery(ref, {
+   queryKey: ["products"],
+ });