Deploying to Globe

A deployment can be triggered when you wish to deploy new code to your Globe project. In Globe, a deployment can be staged to two environments; Production or Preview. When a Production deployment has been successfully built, your domains will be updated automatically to point to the new deployment. Preview deployments on the other hand are accessible via a URL unique to the deployment. This allows you to test and share your changes on a live environment before deploying to production.


Once deployments have been successfully built, you can access the unique URL from the Globe dashboard.

Creating a preview deployment

To create a new preview deployment, you have two options:

via the CLI

Run the deploy command. By default, deployments from the CLI are staged as a preview deployment:

globe deploy

via GitHub

Using the GitHub Integration, you can trigger a preview deployment by pushing to a branch that is not defined as the production branch in your project settings.

To learn more, view the GitHub Integration documentation.

Creating a production deployment

To create a new production deployment, you have two options:

via the CLI

Run the deploy command with the --prod flag:

globe deploy --prod

via GitHub

Using the GitHub Integration, you can trigger a production deployment by pushing to the branch specified in your project settings. By default, this is the main branch.

To learn more, view the GitHub Integration documentation.