Supabase Functions

Supabase Edge Functions are runnable functions distributed globally at the edge. They can be used for listening to webhooks or integrating your Supabase project with third-parties.

Supabase Edge Functions are developed using Deno.

Getting Started

Before getting started, you need to install the supabase CLI - available via NPM, Homebrew & Scoop.

Once installed, start the Supabase services:

supabase start

Next, either use the edge CLI command or setup manually:

Create a new project using the edge CLI command:

edge new supabase_functions new_project

This command will create a new barebones template in the current directory. Once complete, install the dependencies:

dart pub get

Next, init the local superbase project using their CLI:

supabase init

This will create a local supabase directory, which contains various contents used to run your Supabase functions.

Open the lib/main.dart file to view the minimal HTTP request fetch handler:

void main() {
  SupabaseFunctions(fetch: (request) {
    return Response("Hello from Supabase Edge Functions!");

Each incoming request to your edge function will be passed to the fetch handler, which is expected to return a Response instance. The fetch handler provides a Request instance which contains useful information about the incoming request, such as the method, URL, headers, body and more.

Local development

To run your application locally, first run edge build supabase_functions --dev command from the root of your project:

edge build supabase_functions --dev

This command will start a build watcher which will recompile any changes you make to your project.

Next run the dart_edge function:

supabase functions serve dart_edge --no-verify-jwt

Note: By default Supabase Functions expects a valid auth header. The --no-verify-jwt enables you to run the function without a valid auth header.

You should now be able to access your function at http://localhost:54321/functions/v1/dart_edge.

To learn more about local Supabase development, view their documentation.


To deploy your application to Supabase, run the following commands:

edge build supabase_functions
supabase functions deploy dart_edge